Saturday, November 26, 2011


Where do I begin? I'm WAY behind on my blogging! Our last 4 months have been crazy! Back in August we sent my little brother off on his mission to Sacramento, California. The kid drove me nuts but I sure miss him! Adam also started his new job in August that he absolutely loves. I am continuing to love and embrace my ever day life as a mom. Kingston sure keeps me on my toes-I don't know where in that little body of his he stores ALL that energy?! He's my little energizer battery that keeps going and going and going...and going. I have become more and more depressed of how big Kingston is getting. I know he's supposed to grow and be healthy but I wish I could keep him a little baby forever. He is so big now and I can't believe that in one month I'm going to have a 2 year old! I can't believe how fast time flies. Kingston is so stinking smart and everyday surprises me with new words that he has picked up on. I overheard him this last week counting to 3 all by himself! He has recently become obsessed with Elmo and all the Sesame Street charters. I guess if he's going to be hooked on something I'm glad that it's something educational. Adam and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary and my birthday last month on a cruise in Mexico. That's definitely the way to celebrate! Now that we've had time to get back to reality we are super excited that Christmas is just around the corner! I hope everyone had as great of a Thanksgiving as we did and here are some pictures of our last few months. (They are totally in random order) Enjoy!

Helped decorate Grandma's tree

Found my stocking in a box and
Kingston thought it was just a big sock

Favorite thing ever-reading books!

Note to self: Gatorade stains!

Thought we should give him a corn dog with his ketchup

LOVES his blankies!!

The Wall boys at their Eagle Court of Honor

Kingston and Max

Kingston and James

The Whiting Family at Thanksgiving

At the Wall Thanksgiving dinner

Ty & baby Jonah, Kingston & daddy,
Spencer & Grayson

Kinston enjoying himself some
pumpkin pie

Adam wasn't to thrilled about cleaning up
Thanksgiving dinner

Kingston's souvenir he got from

Happy 3 year Anniversary to us!

Happy Birthday to me!
(We won't mention how old I am)

Cutest puppy dog ever!

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

1 1/2

Dear Kingston,

I still can't believe that you are now 1 1/2 years old! You have grown into such a beautiful little boy and are FULL of personality! You look and act like your daddy in every way possible. I'm pretty sure the only Whiting genes that got passed down to you are your blue eyes and long eyelashes-other than that you 100% Wall!! You are everything and more that we could have ever asked for.
I don't think I have ever seen a little boy that is more full of energy. One of your favorite things to do is get into every closet, cupboard, and drawer you can find and clean it out for mommy. You don't realize that the mess ends up all over the house but at least the inside is cleaned out! You're favorite toy is any type of ball that you can get your little hands on. Your beach ball, golf balls, your BYU football, but your all-time favorite are your basketballs. I have a feeling you are going to be a very talented basketball player when you grow up! You also have a very good arm which makes me think you are going to be a great baseball player, too! You love to throw whatever you can find. One of your favorite games to play when you go to either of your grandparents houses is throwing random objects down the stairs. You are very intrigued by watching everything bounce down the stairs and always giggle when it gets to the bottom. You love cars and you love to play in your fire truck.
One of your favorite things to do at home with mommy is read. You love your books and one time through is NEVER good enough! We will read the same book over and over and over until you're ready to move onto the next one. I love that you will sit on my lap and read with me-you are so involved with your books and pick up on everything so quickly. You love to sing songs and you have evolved into quite the entertaining little dancer! I love that you will drop whatever it is you are doing and immediately start dancing when you hear music. You love to dance to Elmo and Sean Kingston-silly boy!
You are now beginning to recognize everyone in your family. You love to look at pictures of your cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. I know that you don't realize it now but you have been born into two of the best families in the world! You absolutely LOVE your daddy in every way possible! You are always trying to mimic him and do whatever he does or say whatever he says. You run to the door when you hear him come home and every time we get into the car to go somewhere you start to cry "daddy, daddy" because you want me to take you to see daddy at work. You are so happy whenever you're around him and you have so much of your daddy's personality. Although you love both of your parents, your best friend in the entire world is your Sophie girl, or as you call her, "Sissy." You cry to go home to her and I don't think anyone can make you laugh as hard as she can. You love to play bubbles with her and you think it is hilarious when she runs. She loves to lick you (which grosses me out) but I know that she loves you and is just giving you big kisses. I love that you two are best friends!
We love you, Kingston and are so grateful that Heavenly Father sent you to our family. We love watching you learn and grow every day and we can't wait for the rest of our lives together with you! We love you little man!!

Love Mommy and Daddy

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Wow I can't believe how fast time flies! I definitely have been slacking on my blogging-mostly because my now toddler keeps me on my feet 24/7. Kingston took his first steps back in December the day after he had surgery. He would take a few steps here and there but only a few days after his first birthday, he decided that he was done with the whole crawling thing and started walking all over the house. Ever since then I haven't been able to keep up with the little kid! He is ALL over the place. It's amazing how fast my house can get destroyed. I get done straightening up one room and another room is turned into a disaster. I love my little destroyer! He is the busiest little person I have ever seen. He just got done going through the stage where he was VERY intrigued by the toilet and whatever he could get into his little hands ended up in the toilet. I have pulled countless items out of the toilet, golf balls, his toy basketballs, tennis balls, refrigerator magnets, pieces of dog food (those just got flushed), our internet web stick (it's a small miracle that it still works), numerous little toys and my favorite, Adams deodorant. I guess he learned his lesson not to leave anything in Kingston's reach. I have to be honest and say that as cute as he is and as hard as I would laugh when I would lift the toilet lid and find some kind of surprise hiding inside, I am very glad that his curiosity with the toilet has subsided. Kingston's vocabulary is increasing all the time. Although his words don't come out perfectly pronounced, he is definitely trying! Here's a list of all the words that he now says: (Try to figure out whats missing...)
  • Dad
  • Dog
  • Cat
  • Meow
  • Cuck (Yucky/Cucky)
  • Crack (Cracker)
  • Car (His favorite one to say)
  • Yes
  • Sis (maybe he's trying to tell us he has a little sister up there somewhere....?)
  • Jessie (Adams family dog)
  • Jesus
  • Becca (Adams little sister)
  • Eyes, I
  • Hi
And lots and lots of baby talk. So whats missing off that list? MOM!!!!!! It's alright, I'm just the caretaker-I'm not important at all!! Whatever Kingston! Not to worry, he'll get it someday. He is very very smart at finding his little body parts. He know exactly where to find his head/hair, his ears, his nose, his mouth, his belly button, his knees, his toes, and of course daddy taught him where to find some other important body parts. Thats what daddy's are for! He is doing great at learning his baby sign language, and so am I! He also LOVES to make animal sounds. His favorite is to roar like a lion. I can't wait to take him to the Zoo this summer! As for the rest of us, we're all keeping very busy. I stay busy trying to keep up with my little peanut every day, some days I do better than others. As for my husband, he has kept himself busy growing a mustache for Mustache March. Have I mentioned that I HATE Mustache March?! I've never been a big fan of facial hair but some things I just can't control. Thank goodness March is now over with and I can see my husbands handsome face again!

Oh Mustache Man

The next Jimmer

My Curious George got into Grandmas facial cleanser.
I'm sure it won't be the last time.

I had to throw in a picture of the handle-bar.
And yes, he went to dinner at Tepanyaki like this. Oh Sanchez.

The golf ball had no chance-it drowned.

Celebrated Adams birthday on February 20th-Jamaican style

Am I a bad mom? I let him play with and even try a piece
of dog food. His response? "Cuck!"

My little pizza lover

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Christmas Fun and the King turns 1!

WOW!!! What a party that last month has been!! I got my first taste of what it is going to be like for the rest of our lives to celebrate Christmas, New Years and Kingstons birthday all within ten days. Can I just say for the record that it just took me and 1 1/2 hours to upload all these pictures? Because I have a ton! Christmas this year was such a different experience with having a baby! Santa definitely came to our house this year! And he brought with him a fire truck for Kingston. (That would later become the theme for Kingstons b-day bash) He was so dang cute Christmas morning. He had NO idea what in the world was going on in our house, but he liked it! When we walked around the corner the first thing he saw was his fire truck and he literally took off running towards it. He LOVES that thing! Thank you Santa! The day after Christmas the Wall fam took of to spend New Years down in what we thought was going to be "warm" Arizona. We apparently took the rain and cold with us. Adam has relatives that live down there and we had a blast with them! My camera died while we were down there so I only have like 3 pictures of the whole trip. We came home just in time to celebrate a certain someones first birthday. Because he got a little spoiled from Santa, we didn't do anything too big for his b-day. I made my little guy a quilt (he LOVES his blankies) and gave him a few books to go along with it. Adams family was unfortunately still stuck in Arizona due to some car problems, but my family came up that night and boy did they bring the party with them! We found out that Kingston LOOOOVES birthday cake! (As you will see in the pictures) We booked a birthday party for him at Flips Gym and it was so much fun to have all the cousins kids come and play! Thanks to everyone for coming out to support our little man and I feel like I have just barely recovered from all the partying that last few weeks. I am pretty sure I ate one too many cupcakes! (Sorry-these pictures are all out of order)

This pic got deleted from the bottom of the page but this is K clapping for himself while everyone was singing "Happy Birthday" to him at his big party

The adorable Lego Table my dad built for the boys for Christmas

Christmas Morning

Love this pic of my two boys!

We gave K some strawberry smoothie on Christmas morning and he kept looking up at Adam like, "What is that MAGIC you are feeding me?!"

Opening presents on his birthday morning

Snuggling with his new blankie

He was really intrigued by the fire on his cake

The King

Grandma & Grandpa

Papa with the boys on his 50th Birthday

K had so much fun with Brig on his John Deer (one of the only sunny days in Arizona)

The party table

Kingston & Grandma

The only picture I could get of Max

Grayson, James & Kingston: a rare picture of the 3 of them together

I LOVE the serious face on Gray!