Where do I begin? I'm WAY behind on my blogging! Our last 4 months have been crazy! Back in August we sent my little brother off on his mission to Sacramento, California. The kid drove me nuts but I sure miss him! Adam also started his new job in August that he absolutely loves. I am continuing to love and embrace my ever day life as a mom. Kingston sure keeps me on my toes-I don't know where in that little body of his he stores ALL that energy?! He's my little energizer battery that keeps going and going and going...and going. I have become more and more depressed of how big Kingston is getting. I know he's supposed to grow and be healthy but I wish I could keep him a little baby forever. He is so big now and I can't believe that in one month I'm going to have a 2 year old! I can't believe how fast time flies. Kingston is so stinking smart and everyday surprises me with new words that he has picked up on. I overheard him this last week counting to 3 all by himself! He has recently become obsessed with Elmo and all the Sesame Street charters. I guess if he's going to be hooked on something I'm glad that it's something educational. Adam and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary and my birthday last month on a cruise in Mexico. That's definitely the way to celebrate! Now that we've had time to get back to reality we are super excited that Christmas is just around the corner! I hope everyone had as great of a Thanksgiving as we did and here are some pictures of our last few months. (They are totally in random order) Enjoy!

Helped decorate Grandma's tree

Found my stocking in a box and
Kingston thought it was just a big sock
Favorite thing ever-reading books!
Note to self: Gatorade stains!
Thought we should give him a corn dog with his ketchup
LOVES his blankies!!
The Wall boys at their Eagle Court of Honor
Kingston and Max

Kingston and James
The Whiting Family at Thanksgiving
At the Wall Thanksgiving dinner
Ty & baby Jonah, Kingston & daddy,
Spencer & Grayson

Kinston enjoying himself some
pumpkin pie
Adam wasn't to thrilled about cleaning up
Thanksgiving dinner
Kingston's souvenir he got from

Happy 3 year Anniversary to us!
Happy Birthday to me!
(We won't mention how old I am)

Cutest puppy dog ever!
Happy Halloween!