As many of you most likely already know, we will be expecting a new member in our family in just a few short months! I have been really bad at posting a lot of updates, unlike when I was pregnant with Kingston, and I've had some friends that have told me that I need to keep updates going so here it goes: Where to begin? This pregnancy has been extremely emotional for numerous reasons. It's been so different from my pregnancy with my little man. Everything in my pregnancy with Kingston seemed so easy. Because I didn't have any problems getting pregnant and staying pregnant with him, I never thought that I would struggle with that later on. Right after Kingston turned one I told Adam that I was ready and wanted to start trying for another baby. I know that may seem really soon, but I always wanted to have my kids close together, not to mention I didn't want to be in my late 30's having babies. Well, at the time our insurance that we had would cover NOTHING for maternity. Because the cost of having a baby without any insurance is around $10,000, and that's to say there are no complications with the delivery or the baby, we knew that our best option was to wait until we could get a different insurance that would help cover us. It was so frustrating having to wait and wait and wait. I guess Heavenly Father knew that I needed to learn to have some patience and that the time would come eventually. It did come about a year later when Adam got a new job. But even after he got hired, we had to wait 6 months until our insurance would kick in. Okay. I waited a year, I can hold out for another 6 months. So a year and a half went by until we were finally able to start trying. We found out in March 2012 that I was pregnant. I took a pregnancy test on a Wed night and we decided not to tell anyone until I went to the dr. Weird, because when we found out I was pregnant with Kingston we told EVERYONE! But for some reason we decided to wait. A few days later on Sunday night I started spotting. I wasn't to alarmed because I know it's normal so spot a little but after conceiving. Well, the spotting grew more and more persistant on Monday so I called my dr and they set me up an appt for the next morning. When I woke up the next morning I stood up out of bed and I can't even explain the amount of blood I had lost. I knew exactly what had happened. We went in for my appt and sure enough I had miscarried. I was so confused at why everything was so easy with Kingston? Adam asked my dr what could have caused it and there are so many factors that contribute to miscarriage that it's hard to tell exactly. I kept reminding myself that everything happens on Heavenly Fathers time and that apparently it just wasn't time for us to have another baby. So we decided to just wait until we felt like the time was right. 2 months later at the end of May, I took another pregnancy test and sure enough, there was that sweet little positive sign. I was SO excited and really felt like this was it! I went into the dr and everything looked great so far. At about 6 1/2 weeks, I started spotting. My stomach sank and I can't even explain how sick I felt. This was all too familiar. It happened on Fathers Day, I hemorrhaged again and ended up in the ER. Worst experience of my life. The ER dr performed a D&C and yes, I was awake with NO pain medication through the ENTIRE process. I've never been in so much pain in my life. To say the least, the 2nd miscarriage was a much harder recovery, both physically and emotionally. I was struggling to understand why it was taking us so long and why it was so hard? No insurance for a year and a half and then 2 miscarriages within a 3 month period. All I can say is that as confused as I was at "Why?", I have never felt so close to my Savior. I know that He was with me through those hard months because I felt Him by my side every day. It's true that the hard trials that we go through really do bring us closer to Christ. I know that it was an experience that I had to learn from and all I can say is that I'm grateful those hard months are over! We decided to wait for a few more months before we started trying again so that my hormones, my body and my emotions had plenty of time to recover. We found out in September that I was pregnant again so you can only imagine the emotional roller coaster that I was on again. It took all the faith that I had to convince myself that everything was going to be okay. Because I was considered high risk, I had plenty of visits to my dr's office. Every visit I had, they did an ultrasound and there was that sweet, tiny but strong heartbeat. Although our immediate family members knew, we waited until I was 14 weeks to spill the beans to everyone else. It wasn't until I was about 17 weeks that I really felt safe with this pregnancy. Before we found out the sex of the baby, Adam and I both felt like we were going to have another boy. Maybe its because that's all I know and boys are so dominant in both of our families, especially on the Wall side. When we went in for our 12 week ultrasound, it didn't take my dr long to tell us that we had a sweet baby girl in there! You can only imagine our surprise!! She's going to be the first grand-daughter on both sides of our family. I'm so thankful for all the love and support that we have felt from our family and friends, it's been overwhelming. I am BEYOND excited to have the opportunity to have a daughter and I know that she was worth every bit of the wait! I'm so grateful for all the Heavenly Father has blessed me with and I count my blessings every day that I am able to be pregnant with our daughter and I can't wait to meet her in May! We love you baby girl!!!

14 Weeks
26 Weeks
Love those little baby toes!
24 Weeks Ultrasound
(I think she's beautiful already!)