Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Adam!!

I can't believe that it's taken me almost a month to make another post but it's a little difficult when you don't have your own computer. Well, Adam and I finally invested in one so hopefully I'll be able to post a lot more now. This past friday we celebrated Adam's birthday. He turned the big whoppin 23!! (He's finally caught up to me) The day started out with a little breakfast in bed. We then went and did a session at the Temple. What better place could you ask to be on your birthday? I took Adam to Rodizio Grill for dinner where there we a few more little surprises in store. My sister and her husband showed up and then Adam's brother and cousin also came. After dinner, I told Adam that we wouldn't be going home that night and I took him to a cute litte Bed-and-Breakfast in Salt Lake. If any of you need a get-a-way for the night with your husbands, Parrish Place in Salt Lake was incredible. It's an older house that was built in 1890 and I loved the old fashioned feel to it. We had the most relaxing night and it felt good to get out of the house for a night. This month has been so special to me because I was able to celebrate my first Valentines Day with my husband and then celebrate his birthday with him a week later. I want my husband to know how much I love and appreciate him and all he does for me. Why am I so in love with this guy? Here's my top ten reasons:

1. He is one of the most selfless people I have ever know. He always puts me first and is always so considerate of me and my feelings.
2. He loves the gospel. He testimony has strengthed me in more ways that I could ever explain.
3. I'm so grateful that he chose to serve a mission. His mission has blessed our marriage and my life in so many ways. Growing up I loved hearing stories from my dad about his mission and I'm thanful that our kids will be able to have that same blessing in their lives because of him.
4. He is so determined and driven with every decision that he makes. He's not one to give up and I admire that quality about him.
5. I love that he knows exaclty how to make me laugh. He has the funniest sense of humor and is a total jokester. He brings so much happiness in my life and I can't think of anyone I would rather come home to after having a hard day at work. He knows exactly what to do to bring a smile to my face.
6. HE'S CLEAN!! I love having a husband that know's how to pick up after himself. Everyday I come home from work and the bed is made and the house is straightened up. I know this probably won't last when he starts working long hours but for I now, I'll take all I can get!
7. One of Adam's main purposes in life is to serve others. He's always offering to help, no matter how crapy the job may be. He's so giving of his time and he loves serving. (I'm sure that's something his picked up on his mission!)
8. One thing that I really look up to with Adam is that he is NOT a complainer. I know, I know, this is something that I need to really work on. I'm sure he gets so sick of me coming home and complaining about everything that went wrong during my day. He's so positive about everything and I really admire that about him.
9. Although I do complain quite a bit, nothing comforts me more than knowing that I have someone to come home and complain to!! He's such a good listener and he's always coming up with ways that I can better my life and make it more positive.
10. I love the way that he loves me. He treats me like a total princess. He's so much more that I ever could have asked for and that I will ever deserve. He brings so much happiness into my life every day. I don't know what I would do without him.

I love you hunny!! Thanks so much for all you do for me. You truly have been an answer to my prayers. I love you! Happy Birthday!!

1 comment:

Abong said...

oh that was sweet. tell adam happy birthday from the bains. you guys are so unbelievably cute together!